The Black Tux offers high-end, modern rental suits. Customers order their suit or tux online, get the best fit by answering a few questions, then have their order delivered for free.
The strategy centered around leveraging Facebook's unique relationship targeting abilities to acquire high-value customers, while also developing and testing immersive ad formats suited for storytelling and product showcasing.
“Facebook’s relationship status audiences allow us to target high-value potential customers and nurture them over the course of their engagement until they’re ready to think about the groom and groomsmen attire. Our goal is that, by that time, we will have convinced them to choose us.” - Matt Gierl, VP of Growth & Marketing at The Black Tux
The team first combined multiple audience attributes and filters. Targeting consumers ages 18 to 65 with an “Engaged” relationship status, Bamboo split out the Black Tux campaigns between men and women in order to serve the most relevant creative to each.
Bamboo leveraged Lookalike Audiences of current customers and interested customers, which doubled the addressable audience size and helped lower acquisition costs. Bamboo also used Custom Audiences to retarget people who had previously engaged with the company’s website.
Bamboo diversified creative testing by using ad formats including video ads, Instagram Stories, collections, and carousels. Through testing and optimizing these formats, the team found that immersive formats like collection and carousel ads led to the most conversions, beating static image ads by up to 238%.
Bamboo rapidly tested a variety of engaging ad formats, while strategically expanding targeting and remarketing efforts to meet potential customers where they were.