How Fiverr decreased cost per registration 81% with Bamboo

Fiverr is the world’s largest marketplace for professional and creative services. With simple and intuitive tools, Fiverr connects small business owners, entrepreneurs, and start-ups with thousands of quality graphic designers, copywriters, video editors, and much more. Bamboo and Fiverr teamed up with the goal of supplementing healthy, organic growth with paid campaigns.

Increase in registration volume
Decrease in cost per registration
Increase in purchase volume

The Challenge

Growth marketers often struggle to find channels with both high ROI and high volume

It's common for growth marketers to find high ROI channels that have low volume or high volume channels that have low ROI. Unfortunately, you are always fighting a battle against diminishing returns.

When Fiverr came to Bamboo, they had already established themselves as the largest and most trusted online marketplace for professional services through their unbeatable value proposition, loyal seller base, and happy customers. Fiverr needed to build upon their organic growth by establishing sustainable paid campaigns.

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Bamboo's Approach

Bamboo leveraged Facebook lookalikes & interest groups to segment Fiverr's audience into verticals

To ensure you’re driving quality paid traffic, insightful choices on audience targeting are crucial. Luckily, Fiverr had a very good understanding of who their high lifetime value (LTV) customers are. However, the brand offers over 3 million services in 120  categories, so it was important for Bamboo to segment target customers into verticals.

Bamboo worked with their in-house team to build Facebook audiences, through a combination of Lookalikes and Interest Groups, which were augmentations of Fiverr’s existing pool of valuable customers and proved to be successful.

After Bamboo had audiences nailed down that they were confident in, the team went to work testing multiple ad pricing models (CPC, oCPM, CPM), 85 ad level creative iterations, 13 landing page iterations, and a host of other segmentations around gender, age, and geography.

The Results

Significant campaign scaling and ROI improvement was achieved through deep in-house insights & Bamboo's extensive testing process

Over the 60-day testing period, Bamboo was able to scale campaigns while simultaneously improving upon Fiverr’s ROI. This was believed to be a direct result of combining Fiverr's deep in-house insights with Bamboo's extensive testing process. Bamboo was able to achieve following results for Fiverr:

  • Increase registration volume 40x
  • Decrease registration Cost per Acquisition 81%
  • Increase purchase volume 7.5x

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